Based on my recollection of the campaign, here are some expectations of Obama's first 100 days.

  • Troops out of Iraq
  • US friends with all other countries
  • Close the Gitmo terrorist holding facility
  • Government paid mortgages and free gasoline (according to Peggy Joseph)
  • Focus on war in Afganistan
  • Increase transparency and accountability in Washington
  • Eliminate America's use of coal
  • Stop Earth's temperature from rising
  • Kill Bin Laden
  • End partisanship in Washington
  • Stop oceans from rising
  • Lower unemployment
  • Increase value of investments (i.e stock market)
  • Lower taxes

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Day 12. Dinner

In his weekly radio address, President Obama pledged to "get credit flowing again" and help reduce mortgage costs.
Later, he attended a dinner originally started to help celebrate Robert E. Lee's birthday.

Oh and apparently Iran is not willing to sit around the campfire with us and sing Kumbya. Way to go Mr. President.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Day 11. 'I am greatest!'

A week and a half go by and we have the greatest president since Lincoln!

Let's immortalize him even more. As a tribute to his stimulus package, once the inflation kicks in (and you need a wheelbarrow to buy a loaf of bread), the treasury should print $500.00 bills with Obama's picture!

Q. Why the $500.00?
A. The media continues to tell us, this guy is 100 times better than Lincoln ever dreamed of.

Of course the democrat controlled congress will have to repeal the 1866 law prohibiting living persons on currency.

Finally, since it is Friday, lets ignore and gloss over the fact that Obama wants to hire another tax cheat. (HT: gordon gekko)

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Day 10. Wooo Hooo,

Sweet! (fist-bumps Rahm) Blaggo is gone...hopefully he will keep his yap shut. Nobody will believe him, anyway.

And the nerve of those Wall Street types. Such extravagance. At least mine was justified last week being that I made history.

(Ed. I think it's funny that NYC has to cut back. The City lost a good bit or revenue from income taxes because Wall Street cut back on the bonuses.) I used to think the majority of Americans were lazy with their hand out, but it is really the politicians!)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Day 9. First big win!

Congratulations. Now you are doing hell with the "my administration will eliminate pork" campaign promise.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Day 8. Meetings, meetings.

Today, Obama met with GOP senators and representatives to push his stimulus bill (ARRP).

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Day 6. Day off.

I guess the USS Obama (that's United States Savior Obama) took the day off.

Here is an update from day 4. The Afghan Government is claiming 16 civilians were killed in Obama's war.

Weren't we supposed to be singing Kumbya with them starting January 21?

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Day 5. President Doom and Gloom.

This from the weekly radio address...
...this week, we saw more people file for unemployment than at any time in the last twenty-six years, and experts agree that if nothing is done, the unemployment rate could reach double digits. Our economy could fall $1 trillion short of its full capacity, which translates into more than $12,000 in lost income for a family of four. And we could lose a generation of potential, as more young Americans are forced to forgo college dreams or the chance to train for the jobs of the future.

He then goes on to talk about all the great things he will quickly do to fix the problems:

  • To accelerate the creation of a clean energy economy, we will double our capacity to generate alternative sources of energy like wind, solar, and biofuels over the next three years. We’ll begin to build a new electricity grid that lay down more than 3,000 miles of transmission lines to convey this new energy from coast to coast. (Good luck fighting environmental regulations and environmentalists.)
  • To lower health care cost, cut medical errors, and improve care, we’ll computerize the nation’s health record in five years, saving billions of dollars in health care costs and countless lives. (How many jobs will be lost by all this computerization and automation? If jobs won't be lost? How will cost be lowered? How about halting ambulance chaser law suits?)
  • To ensure our children can compete and succeed in this new economy, we’ll renovate and modernize 10,000 schools, building state-of-the-art classrooms, libraries, and labs to improve learning for over five million students. (Oh yeah, this will get us ahead of Japan in science and math, for sure.)
  • That means repairing and modernizing thousands of miles of America’s roadways and providing new mass transit options for millions of Americans. It means protecting America by securing 90 major ports and creating a better communications network for local law enforcement and public safety officials in the event of an emergency. And it means expanding broadband access to millions of Americans, so business can compete on a level-playing field, wherever they’re located. (See comment about environmentalists, for rebuilding roads. How are we going to expand broadband? BPL doesn't work. Please provide real details.)


We won’t just throw money at our problems - we’ll invest in what works. Instead of politicians doling out money behind a veil of secrecy, decisions about where we invest will be made public, and informed by independent experts whenever possible. We’ll launch an unprecedented effort to root out waste, inefficiency, and unnecessary spending in our government, and every American will be able to see how and where we spend taxpayer dollars by going to a new website called

This needs to be explained to Charlie Rangle and Robert Reich (HT to taxman) and some mayors around the country...

Furthermore, I have not seen anything in here about mortgage payments or gasoline

What gives?

Friday, January 23, 2009

Day 4. Busy today.

From this article...
Obama struck down a rule Friday that prohibits U.S. money from funding international family-planning clinics that promote abortion or provide counseling or referrals about abortion services.

Here is an interesting take on the issue...

HT to Stacy at SGP

Is responsible for killing 13 innocent people in Pakistan (18 total - 5 militants) according to this article from myway.

From this article on Politico ...

Obama listened to Republican gripes about his stimulus package during a meeting with congressional leaders Friday morning - but he also left no doubt about who's in charge of these negotiations. "I won," Obama noted matter-of-factly, according to sources familiar with the conversation

So much for bipartisanship and changing the way Washingotn works. We all knew he had a huge ego, but I didn't think it was this big. Do you supposed he gave Harry and Nancy fist-bumps after the meeting?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Day 3. Executive orders.

Excerpts from this article...

President Obama issued three executive orders Thursday to demonstrate a clean break from the Bush administration, including one requiring that the Guantanamo Bay detention facility be closed within a year.

A second executive order formally bans torture by requiring that the Army field manual be used as the guide for terrorism interrogations.

A third executive order establishes an interagency task force to lead a systematic review of detention policies and procedures and a review of all individual cases.

OK, maybe now the Iranians and other extremist around the world will stop burning our president (Obama) in effigy.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Day 2. More symbolism (and another shot at the oath).

Excerpted from CNN...
"Transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency," Obama said.

Time will tell on this one.

Among other things, Obama said he would issue a pay freeze for his senior staff.

Considering that they just got their jobs, this too, is pretty much all symbolism.

Has anyone heard about when the government will start paying our mortgages and for our gasoline?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Day 1. History in the making

Day 1. Here we are. It's 9:00 AM on the east coast. George Bush is still president.

According to all media reports, you should have bought stock in Kleenix because all those tears of joy are going to need to be wiped up. You could probably make some money in Washington today selling Depends--apparently a lot of people will also be peeing their pants with excitement.

Since we are having a snow storm, the TV news is on...CBS, because they have the best local weather guy. Katie Kouric is on now... Uh-oh, brb.

Ok, we're back now. I had to go throw up.

The expectations for this guy are very high. You know what happens when you have high expectations for a movie. Although Katie was already making some excuses for him based on the reality of the current economic situation.

We'll report back later today with an update on Day 1.

Update: The high expectations are continuing in the media. Here is a lip-service payment to the anti-war crowd...
In one of his first acts in office President Obama has ordered the U.S. government to suspend prosecutions of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay for 120 days, military officials said Tuesday.

Reported here.