Based on my recollection of the campaign, here are some expectations of Obama's first 100 days.

  • Troops out of Iraq
  • US friends with all other countries
  • Close the Gitmo terrorist holding facility
  • Government paid mortgages and free gasoline (according to Peggy Joseph)
  • Focus on war in Afganistan
  • Increase transparency and accountability in Washington
  • Eliminate America's use of coal
  • Stop Earth's temperature from rising
  • Kill Bin Laden
  • End partisanship in Washington
  • Stop oceans from rising
  • Lower unemployment
  • Increase value of investments (i.e stock market)
  • Lower taxes

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Day 50. Education

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Obama began to flesh out the details of one of his signature campaign promises Tuesday, outlining his plan for a major overhaul of the country's education system "from the cradle up through a career."

This article details the 5 tier plan the administration is floating. It is nice to know that the $787 billion (pork) stimulus bill had $5 billion for the Head Start program.  This will help low-income workers with childcare while they are out digging holes (or filling them in).

Seriously, some of this education stuff sounds OK.  For example, "...the president warned that ineffective teachers should not be allowed to remain on the job.  'If a teacher is given a chance but still does not improve, there is no excuse for that person to continue teaching,' he said. 'I reject a system that rewards failure and protects a person from its consequences.'".  He also mentions longer school calendars and higher standards.  Sure, I can go for that.

Of course the NEA will be reminding him later today (if not already) of their support in the election.  These initiatives will not grow legs and the republicans will be blamed.  Yep, thats how things work in Washing ton.  Hope?, maybe.  Change?, Not at all.


Anonymous said...

Parents need to be held accountable also and work with their children at home and teach them respect for themselves as well as others and that they can not learn if they can not listen and parents need to encourage and help their children understand the importance of a good education that is earned.

Anonymous said...

The most unfortunate statement, "I reject a system that rewards failure and protects a person from its consequences."
The TARP bailout did exactly this thing. Inclusively, bonus money was paid out to the losers. Schools are failing, let's give a money bailout AND a bonus to the teachers. (In reality, it isn't a "teacher" problem...any more than crime is the fault of the police, or disease the fault of doctors.) Teacher bonus, half a million dollar salary...that would get me teaching...actually no, I already teach, it would just compensate me for all the time I work, grade, and prep for free.

Anonymous said...

Parents: be vigilant about government schools teaching your kids the correct way to think. Odds are the lessons being taught will not reflect your morals or beliefs.

jenben said...

Hi-Obama is just like every other politician...focusing on the bottom. How about setting higher standards and putting any money into kids that are achieving. There are so many kids in the classroom who are bored and are not challenged because the curriculum is geared to "no child left behind" and not at all focused on kids that are at the top. In our state they are now talking about cutting funding for a program that only allows the top 1% of kids who are excelling in all subject areas. What about the kids who are fabulous in math or our state you are considered a "highly capable learner" if you qualify in all areas. I'm tired of all of the money going to the kids who are not prepared (by their parents) for school.

jenben said...

To Mr. Sparkle....aren't you paid a salary? That means that you do what it takes to get the job are not working "for free" when you are prepping or grading papers. That's your's this attitude that teachers are underpaid that I'm tired of hearing. I think you knew when you got into teaching you would make a decent salary but not $100k per year. However, the salaries teachers make for the number of days they work is not bad. Who else gets as much time off as teachers and the incredible benefits and pensions. You really need to factor that in when calculating your pay...benefits are not free ...they cost money. Your attitude of entitlement is a detriment to you.

questionall said...

I’m disappointed. Please Mr. President stop comparing apples to oranges when it comes to education and other countries. The United States public education system cannot be compared to other countries for several reasons i.e.., (special education, discipline polices, tracking).

Mr. President we are the only country which includes the special education populations scores within our standardized testing. So, the US scores will reflect a lower average when our current polices reflect testing all students who are not moderately / severely disabled (IQ below 59, normal is 80-105).

From your speech you make it sound as though South Korea is going to school more than the US, however just Google Mr. President and see for yourself. Korea has basically the same number of school days; the largest difference is when they get their breaks. Please note: that South Korea still relies heavily on corporal punishment for a means to solve / control discipline issues. One the US has all but banned in most states.

Regarding the dropout rate, longer schools days is the answer? Mr. President go speak to those individuals who dropped out of school and find out why they did not like school. I would beat, not one will state the answer is longer school days and years.

Unknown said...

Mr. President, in your speach to congress you mentioned that parents must bare responsibility for the performance of their children in school. I urge you Mr. President to have your education deparment work with states and local communities on developing programs for helping parents deal with their children's schooling. The previous administration tried to improve education by pushing the "No Child left behind" law with with spotty results at best. Mr President, by consentrating our efforts on parents, I can assure you that we will improve education in our country.

Anonymous said...

I wish Obama would have said those exact same words about accountability to wall street or the mortgage and banking industries. Funny how parents or students never have to be accountable. "Leave the Idiots behind" should be the new slogan. If tests scores would go up maybe we should send kids to school 24/7 all year long.

Anonymous said...

A longer school calendar year is definitely NOT the answer. The children of the United States cannot be compared to children of other countries. As it stands with "No Child Left Behind", children are no longer allowed to be children. The teachers are complaining more than ever that they are not being heard when they try to voice the fact the "No Child Left Behind" is overwhelming. Take a look at the United States, isn't it time for the "Powers to Be" to STOP making decisions for everyone. Parents and Teachers should not be forced into silence but have a right to voice their opinions and be heard!

If the Powers to Be knew all the right answers, then why is the country in a Recession. Our Government is Trillions of dollars in debt and yet we are suppose to be suprised the consumers are in debt???

What about morals and values? If there is true concern about our children, than let's put an end to profane language, sex and violence that's so freely displayed on TV, (including cartoons), radio, magazines, and bill boards.

Anonymous said...

Jenben... have you ever been inside a special ed. classroom? Do you know how much WORK it takes to teach people who think 'out of the box' and rebel against structure? (And, quite frankly, they are often rebelling to their creativity being SQUASHED by a monoculture).

The solution to overworked Americans is not to raise the standard and have EVERYONE overworked. That's just stupid. Ever wonder why soooo many people to stressed out to to max here, even though there is an abundance of resources in America as compared to many other countries.

Jenben, you need a reality check. I know teachers who work all day long in school only to return to an hour of rest and school-work once again. Grow up and open your eyes.

Anonymous said...

How will my salary be determined when I work with students with severe language and cognitive delays? Children with moderate/severe needs may not be able to meet standards no matter how hard the parents and teachers work. Who determines the pay for those teachers? Most principals don't have any idea about special education. How many charter schools have special education services?

Anonymous said...

Mr.President, do you have any idea about what it takes to create and maintain an effective education system? We as teachers are mandated to test children (by the government)who DO NOT speak English, who have moderate to severe learning disabilities, who have moderate to severe behavior problems, who have moderate to severe emotional disturbances and test them the same as "normal", "regular ed" English speaking children. On top of that, ALL test scores are combined to be analyzed for progress. Test score averages are brought so low that schools fail. Now it's the teacher's fault? Now we have to get rid of the ineffective teachers and schools? Mr. President, you can't expect to see schools succeed when the system of testing operates in this manner. Your going to see teachers leaving the profession more than ever. Rewarding the good and nixing the bad won't improve the situation. We need to improve how we test and how to apply to results.
Accountability starts at home. Preperation for school starts at home. Parents need to get off the bar stool, put down the cell phone, turn off the t.v. and do their job just as teachers are expected to do theirs. How about holding the parents more accountable who have children that do not show and model a drop of respect? Learning starts at home, appropriate and respectful behavior starts at home.
Tell me, is having octuplets and six other children effective and responsibly parenting? Where is the accountability there? Who will bear the burden and accept the responsibility for the success of those kids? THE TEACHER! Great ideas Obama.