Based on my recollection of the campaign, here are some expectations of Obama's first 100 days.

  • Troops out of Iraq
  • US friends with all other countries
  • Close the Gitmo terrorist holding facility
  • Government paid mortgages and free gasoline (according to Peggy Joseph)
  • Focus on war in Afganistan
  • Increase transparency and accountability in Washington
  • Eliminate America's use of coal
  • Stop Earth's temperature from rising
  • Kill Bin Laden
  • End partisanship in Washington
  • Stop oceans from rising
  • Lower unemployment
  • Increase value of investments (i.e stock market)
  • Lower taxes

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Day 58. 'The (165 million) bucks stop with me'

Now it's cool to be responsible for the AIG bonuses.

(CNN) -- President Obama said Wednesday he'll "take responsibility" for AIG executives receiving controversial bonuses while the company took $173 billion in government bailouts.

I'm guessing the administration got some new focus group results. Chris Dodd is claiming responsibility, too. Will Barney Frank come out tomorrow?

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