Based on my recollection of the campaign, here are some expectations of Obama's first 100 days.

  • Troops out of Iraq
  • US friends with all other countries
  • Close the Gitmo terrorist holding facility
  • Government paid mortgages and free gasoline (according to Peggy Joseph)
  • Focus on war in Afganistan
  • Increase transparency and accountability in Washington
  • Eliminate America's use of coal
  • Stop Earth's temperature from rising
  • Kill Bin Laden
  • End partisanship in Washington
  • Stop oceans from rising
  • Lower unemployment
  • Increase value of investments (i.e stock market)
  • Lower taxes

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

72. All systems operating nominally

From CNN

LONDON, England (CNN) -- Barack Obama announced new arms negotiations with Russia's president, discussed North Korea with China's president, talked about the global economy with Britain's prime minister and had tea with Queen Elizabeth II on Wednesday -- a busy day for any leader.

Blah, blah, blah...everyone is following the script to a tee.

It looks like the teleprompter is there, but he is trying to cover with the papers at the podium...what's he talking about, anyway?

But supposedly BOTO gives the queen another iPod, I still think a clapper would have been a better gift.

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