Based on my recollection of the campaign, here are some expectations of Obama's first 100 days.

  • Troops out of Iraq
  • US friends with all other countries
  • Close the Gitmo terrorist holding facility
  • Government paid mortgages and free gasoline (according to Peggy Joseph)
  • Focus on war in Afganistan
  • Increase transparency and accountability in Washington
  • Eliminate America's use of coal
  • Stop Earth's temperature from rising
  • Kill Bin Laden
  • End partisanship in Washington
  • Stop oceans from rising
  • Lower unemployment
  • Increase value of investments (i.e stock market)
  • Lower taxes

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Day 87. He's coming.

From CNN...

MEXICO CITY, Mexico (CNN) -- Reviving a ban on assault weapons and more strictly enforcing existing gun laws could help tamp down drug violence that has run rampant on the U.S.-Mexican border, President Obama said Thursday.

He's coming for us gun owners. I say bring it. Bring it on. People are getting outraged over taxes, spending and the socialist agenda. The assault weapons ban adds impetus to the outrage. This will bring the change we need--lots of new faces in congress in 2011.

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